An Unexpected Encounter.

Shutter Bug
2 min readAug 24, 2022


Magic Can Happen at any Moment!

My paddle dipped. In a slow glide I moved across the near still water. With a deep breath I took in the splendor of my surroundings. The calm soothed my tortured soul. Out here I could forget all the pressures in my life. All the world problems that filled the news daily. The war, the fame, the disease. If I was a God fearing woman I would wonder why She let this all happen.

Suddenly there was movement in the water in front of me. My mind went to a school of fish. Maybe I would get luck and it was a couple of dolphins. I watched as the water whirled. Suddenly a hump appeared. I gasped. Could it be……..It broke high in the water. My paddle froze in my hands. Uh Oh I thought. Was I too close???

The hump submerged, the tale broke above the water line. I was filled with wonder at the sighting of my first whale. Humm….maybe God did work in mysterious was. My mind cleared. I was at peace, watching this magnificent beast disappear again under the water. , at lest for a moment. I would take the moment and treasure it. Pull it out of my memory when I need a lift….



Shutter Bug

Avid Photographer and Slightly Eccentric Shall We Say.