Dates on a Calendar
So, I’m a little behind this year, usually I’ve changed my calendars out by now. (I was kind of waiting till I had my hair appointment at the salon, my hairdresser always gives out really nice calendars. Alas she didn’t do them this year, expense was too much)
Any way I had one from the Cousteau Society, and this morning was switch out time.
I wonder if there others out there that do this???
I sit myself down at the table. Last year's calendar and this year's calendar both open in front of me. January faces me, with pen in hand I run my fingers along the days of the old calendar. I hit my first day with a notation, which happens to be U.R. ~ which translates to Uncle Richie’s birthday. I make the same notation on this year’s calendar.
As I work my way through day by day, month my month each notation brings a memory. Some of them are happy, some of them are sad, but they always make me think.
I’m sure that some of the things I keep track of would make a lot of people wonder. I have birthday’s, deaths, my work anniversary, anniversary’s etc. Now most of them deal with people, but I have pet one along with the people. Hey pets are part of the family.
With each date I pause, will it really be four years since my dad died. It seems like only a few months. I think of him often, but sadly I’ve noticed not as much as I did.
Will my mother really be Ninety~ four? How can that be. Wasn’t it just yesterday that she was working on a wedding cake in the kitchen and yelling for us to go outside and play and stop bugging her.
Any way the memories ebb and flow. It’s like a little time machine.
Now it hangs, time to move on with my day.