JE 01.13.23

Shutter Bug
2 min readJan 18, 2023


Ooooooh Noooooo it’s Friday the 13th!

So far so good…..knock on wood. 10 hours to go till it’s over. Not that I believe all the hoop la about this day. One of the women I work with had one of her kids on a Friday the 13th…so she considers it a good day. I’ll go along with that.

Total weight lost this morning was 4.8 LB. Up a little this morning but not a lot. Did my exercise last night and tonight I will have to make sure I do it as it’s Friday! Pizza night. Man, I could have pizza every day. If I did, I would be so much heavier than I am.

Icy roads this morning. It was 31 degrees and still raining. Now it’s 37 and the sun is out. Yeah.

Things to do this weekend. Need to hit the dump, fun times. Need to get more stuff listed on E Bay. (ooh sold some more yarn!) Bought oil for frying back before Christmas, was going to make donuts but we lost the power that weekend and didn’t have time after that to get them made. Maybe this weekend. (hum raised or cake???? Life’s hard questions)

Not that I need donuts, but they freeze really well, either kind.

What I’m reading at the moment. Indecent Demands by Marlee Wray . Not sure if I’ll finish it. Deals with collage aged “kids”. Yup at my age they are kids. There’s a lot of sex in it, which is written pretty good, but the girl is kind of a ninny. (update, sort of finished it. I skimmed it because I wanted to see who the villian was. Won’t be reading any more in the series. )



Shutter Bug

Avid Photographer and Slightly Eccentric Shall We Say.