Member-only story
JE 03.09.24
Moring consisted of coffee and reading. I was good and made sure to take my shower around 9:30, sometimes I get caught up in the book and before I know it it’s 10:30!
First order of business was to final get up the gumption to change out the CD players. I’d put it off because I figured it was going to be a pain to do. I was wrong. Didn’t even have to move the cabinet to do it. Got to use the cables from the old on so didn’t have to wrestle with the amplifier, which would have changed this to an all-day project, not the half hour that it took actually took me. Boom, boom it was all in and worked great. Old one went to the garage to go to the electronic graveyard at the dump, we had it for 13 years, got our money's worth out of it. (Note to self, make sure to use the new one at least once a week to keep condensation from building up in it, who knew!)
Did the money thing. Paid bills.
Wrote a couple of reviews for my Amazon Vines items. Still have a couple more to do, but some of it depends on what the item is, sometimes there is a wait to see how well it works. It’s fun looking for stuff to get though. Can we say time suck!
Baked fish with red roasted potato. Yum. Ben and Jerry for desert. I so remember the days when you could by a pint of B&J for 99 cents on sale, regular price was $1.99. Was actually a good deal, 3 for $10.99. Regular price is $5.99, and they aren’t even full pints anymore.
Skipped the wine and bought some whiskey. Cost less, probably has the same effect as the wine but at least I mix it the seltzer so get some water with it.
Stared snowing around 6:00 pm. At 10:00 pm when I measured it there was 2 1/2 inches. Starting to turn to rain. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Book and Bed….
Oh Great the power just flickered off then on……..