JE 09.30.22

Shutter Bug
2 min readOct 5, 2022


Whew, another month gone. Been a long week. First one after vacation always is.

So M and family all survived Ian with minimal damage. Guess D and kids had same shingles come off the roofs. Not sure if he got to the business building today to asses any damage there. M and mom never lost power. Had some wicked winds and a lot of rain. Will have to talk to her tonight and see how they all faired.

Mother nature can be a real Bitch. We get snow and ice, which can take out branches or a roof can collapse but that doesn’t usually completely destroy a home. Watchin the news last night with all the destruction just really can’t relate to it. Feel really bad for the people of Florida though.

No new E- Bay sales this week. Posted a bunch more of mom’s stuff. Been doing pretty good on it.

Guy came and looked at the roof yesterday. Can’t wait to see how much that is going to cost us. We should have done something about it but I guess we all didn’t know how bad it got. Or it got bad when we had a torrential rain storm and started the whole process. Told M that the ceiling in G’s old room was going to come down. Sure enough it did. That was some fun cleaning up. Guess we should have payed a little more attention to mom’s bitching. Now we have to have it fixed before we can sell the house. I’m going to be going and opening and closing it up all winter….fun times.

My NEW toy is here! Picking it up tomorrow!



Shutter Bug

Avid Photographer and Slightly Eccentric Shall We Say.