JE 11.01.22

Shutter Bug
2 min readNov 2, 2022


AM. Woke up early as usual and couldn’t go back to sleep. Did the usual, laid there and kept checking the clock every few minutes till it was finally time to get up. Went through the usual morning routine. Shower, dry, brush teeth, moisturize (very important! keeps them all guessing about my age). Towel the hair, comb what I have out. Down the stairs to start the coffee, cookies for the cat. Back to the bathroom. Finish the rest of my facial routine. Wonder what I’m going to wear. Head to the bedroom. Fling something on. (will it be hotter than hell at work or Antarctic, the joys of trying to dress for your environment, such a joy).

Coffee time. This morning I had a cup and read before work. It’s nice to have a boss that isn’t very strict about my hours. I’ve been trying to be closer to 80 hours for every two weeks, especially with the new lease payment that is more than it was for the truck. Time to buckle down on my spending!

Afternoon: Fifteen mins till fly time. Really should be working on something for work, but I’m just writing here instead. Need to hit the bank, maybe the grocery store. Today is the first day of my effort to lose some weight. I have a goal this time so maybe I will do better. I want to lose 20 LB before my Birthday. I have 26 days. Lofty goal but if I just wishy wash then I don’t buckle down.

There is still candy from our work party. So far, I’m holding out and since I leave in 15 mins, I think I’m good. Time to get back on the exercise wheel also. Elliptical here I come! Need to go do some work at moms too. It's a never-ending list of things to go through. We are doing pretty good selling the yarn though so that is a plus. What to do with the yards and yards of material she acquired and never did anything with. She could have crafted till she was 150 and still wouldn’t have used up all she had stockpiled! Back later to finish off my day!

PM: Well my first day didn’t go so well. I need to stay out of the grocery store. So much temptation. Went to get milk for my protein drink and ended up getting chicken tenders. Ate way too many of them for supper. That morphed into 3 mini chocolate bars. Sigh……..

Maybe better tomorrow.



Shutter Bug

Avid Photographer and Slightly Eccentric Shall We Say.