JE 5.28.22

Shutter Bug
2 min readJun 5, 2022



G needs to do some stuff around the house so I have a cup my coffee and head to the hospital.

I downloaded a book from one of mom’s favorite authors. (Nora Roberts). I arrive with the rest of my coffee and my e book.

The day shift nurse comes in just as I get there. She lets me know how mom did in the night and what they’ve do this morning.

I sip my coffee and start reading. I discover it’s not really that easy to read a book to someone. Mom’s been listening to audio books for years and I’ve heard them a time or two and I was nowhere close to as smooth and steady as those where. I read for about half an hour before M and W showed up.

So we sit and talk. They keep telling us that she can hear us and knows were there. That might be a good thing and it might be a bad thing considering some of the stuff we were talking about. I’m sure that the nurses and aids thought we were not solemn enough. We laughed and joked and talked to her.

Red Sox game come on at 12:00. TV came on. She loved listening to their games. (plus the boys wanted to watch it too)

G showed up about 1:30. She wanted to do the evening shift.

The three of us were out of there by six. M and W ordered pizza.

G got home a little before 8.

Sleeping…..not sure that’s going to happen.

Writer Photo



Shutter Bug

Avid Photographer and Slightly Eccentric Shall We Say.