Patience is NOT My Virtue
9/100: Waiting. Waiting, Waiting
Tick, Tick, Tick.
How the sound works on my nerves! (OK it would if I actually had a clock that actually ticks! Modern day electronics have actually made that a thing of the past.)
I check the clock on my phone. Only 1 min has passed. Really???
I get up and pace. Back and forth.
Was that a sound outside? I run to the window, look out, nothing. I sigh.
Look at my phone, 2 min this time.
I pace some more. (least I’m getting my steps in.)
Come on, come on get here already!
Check my phone to make sure I have the date right. Yup.
I sigh……………what is taking so long!
A horn honks. I run to the window. Squeal as I see the vehicle in the drive.
I run to the door, throw it open! Race down the walk. Advance as the driver gets out.
I snag the package out of their hands. Scream thank you as I run back to the house. Slam the door. I clutch the package to my chest. It’s here! Finally!
With trembling fingers I frantically tear the package apart. There it is. With reverence I glide my fingers over the cover.
# 54 of the In Death by J.D. Robb! Abandoned in Death.
I grab the book. Settle on the couch. Open to cover, flip the pages to Chapter 1.