What I’m Reading
So I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before. AVID,AVID AVID reader. ( I wonder if there is an Avid Readers Anonymous??? cause it really is an addiction) Any way I’m reading a series of books written by Liliana Hart ~ J.J. Graves Mystery Books. I’m on the 12th book in the series ~ right now there are 13 books available, not sure if there will be more or not.
J.J. (or Jaye) Graves runs a Funeral home and is also the county coroner for Bloody Mary, which is in King George county in the State or New York. (I didn’t check but I don’t think that’s a real town! LOL!)
Any way the first book starts with J.J. coming back home after her parents death/supposed suicide due to them being investigated by the FBI. Due to this investigation she was forced to leave her job as an ER nurse and now has come home to take over the funeral home as the FBI are still looking at her due to her parents activities.
The rest of the main characters are her best friends growing up, Jack who is now the town Sheriff, Vaughn who runs an Antique/Health product store.
Like I said I’m on book 12. There are a lot of new characters that have been added and reoccurring. There have been marriage, deaths, and births. You can never tell where the story line is going to go.
Liliana writes a story that keeps you guessing about the murderer. Sometimes I get it right then other times I’ve been completely blind sided by the twist. If you love a good mystery and some zany characters you should definitely check out the first book.