What I’m Reading

Shutter Bug
May 3, 2022

A thief, A Billionaire and a Priceless Necklace ~ what more could you want.

Book Cover Photo

I just started this one but so far I’m liking it. (I’ve read this author before and she doesn’t disappoint.)

So for our Heroine has found herself in hot water due to her brother. (brothers can’t live with them, can’t kill them). Any way she’s found herself in a moral conundrum, break the law or let her brother be killed. You know which way she is going.

Then there is the Hero. (who knew there were so many Hot Billionaires in the world. I really need to find me one!) Same old story, grew up poor and worked hard and prospered.

The necklace. Worth a couple Million, our Hero owns it. Our Heroine needs it to get her brother away from the Russian mob…….

Stay tuned………..



Shutter Bug

Avid Photographer and Slightly Eccentric Shall We Say.